HNBody  Version 1.0.10
SM Macro Library


A SuperMongo (SM) library to support HNBody is included in HNBody downloads. Files with .sm extensions are SuperMongo plotting routines. SM is a widely-used plotting package that runs on Linux and Unix platforms; help on SM itself is available at Simple plotting of one HNBody variable against another as well as more sophisticated macros are provided. The user may also write customized high-level macros that utilize the low-level macros provided in

Library Installation

Four SM files (,,, default) should be copied to their own directory (e.g. /home/user/sm/hnblib); this directory is named smdir in

Using the Library

After starting up SM, run the following commands to access and initialize

  SM> define smdir "/home/user/sm/hnblib"
  SM> macro read "$!smdir/"
  SM> hnbinit

where the quoted string in the first command is the path to your copy of If the third command produces output similar to the following, you are in business!

Welcome to HNBLIB!
getfiles  - Returns a list of files from which to read data
getvars   - Returns a list of variables to be plotted
hnb       - Make the default plot
hnbhelp   - Get help on any HNBLIB macro
hnbinit   - Read preferences and reset HNB variables
hnbplot   - Plot all columns from the current data file vs. column 1
hnbpref   - Adjust user preferences
hnbread   - Read data from a specified HNB file
hnbthin   - Thin the data by plotting every Nth point
hnbzoom   - Adjust the limits on the x-axis
multiplot - Plot multiple columns of data on one screen
plot      - Plot y versus x with default labels
   >>> type hnbhelp macroname for more information <<<

Automatic Initialization

To automatically access and initialize on SM startup, add the following line to the .sm file in your home directory:

macro2          /home/user/sm/hnblib/

The second entry is the path to your hnblib directory (the same as smdir , above). Users who already have their own macro2/ directory and default file will need to manually add the contents of hnblib/default to their personal default file (and change the value of smdir appropriately).