Planetary Calculator

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or enter your own expression in the box:
example: a*m2AU


Planet Variables

More Planet Variables

pi ~ 3.141592654
G = gravitational constant
c = speed of light
Msun = Mass of Sun
Rsun = Radius of Sun
Lsun = Luminosity of Sun
m2AU = meters to AU
AU2m = AU to meters
s2yr = seconds to years
s2hr = seconds to hours
r2d = radians to degrees
d2r = degrees to radians
M = mass
R = radius
rho = density
Ve = escape velocity
Ps = spin period
J2 = oblateness
Hr = Hill Radius
gs = Surface Gravity

tilt = tilt
a = Semimajor axis
i = inclination
e = eccentricity
Po = orbital period
Vo = orbital velocity
Rsyn = Synchronous Orbit

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Planetary Calculator written by Amanda L. Proctor and Dr. Douglas P. Hamilton