Build Your Own
Solar System!

Central Star:

Planet 1:

Planet 2:

Name of Planet:
Size of Planet:
Eccentricity of Orbit:
Semimajor Axis (in AU's):
Name of Planet:
Size of Planet:
Eccentricity of Orbit:
Semimajor Axis (in AU's):

Planet 3:

Planet 4:

Name of Planet:
Size of Planet:
Eccentricity of Orbit:
Semimajor Axis (in AU's):
Name of Planet:
Size of Planet:
Eccentricity of Orbit:
Semimajor Axis (in AU's):

Note: For less than 4 planets, enter "no planet" in the name field.

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Build Your Own Solar System written by Mike Asbury and Dr. Doug Hamilton